Billa Remosolet


- • It contains 6 effective groups as it is rich in calcium, organic acids, carboxylic acids, and sulfur in a special complex through which calcium can replace sodium adsorbed on soil granules in saline lands. Also, the carboxyl group works to prevent and treat high salinity, and the acids present in the form of polysaccharides, it increases the effectiveness and activity of the compound and thus leads to better soil construction and increased permeability and aeration

- • Increasing the organic carbon in the soil and increasing the activity of beneficial organisms in the soil

Helps with the problem of calcium deficiency

- • Reduces the osmotic pressure between the roots and the soil brine

- • Increases the efficiency of fertilizers of macro and micro elements

- • Helps to get rid of excess salinity in the soil and irrigation water


Product name

Remo Salt Salt Therapist

Chemical Properties

- Calcium 16.5%

- Sulfur 8.5%

Carboxylic acids 15%

Polysaccharide 7.5%

- Organic acids5%


- Auxinate 0.5%


Usage Rates

- Improving the soil of sandy lands 2:1 liter per 1 acre

- To get rid of sodium and salinity: 3:2 liters per 1 feddan in the case of flood irrigation

- Improving the soil of loamy lands 4:3 liters per 1 feddan

- For the treatment of calcium deficiency: 2:1 liter per 1 acre

- Improving the soil of clay lands 1:0 liters per 1 feddan

- To treat salinity of irrigation water 40:10 cc per 1 m3

Chemical Character

Liquid Fertilizer easily to absorb

Physical Properties Form



5 years


Plastic Package


5 Liter

Place of Origin
